
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Never turn your back on the Empire...

Here are the promised group shots!  The overall shiny steel effect comes together much better in these images.

Looking at them now, it reminded me of why I chose the red and blue Altdorf scheme.  The blue and red can be dark enough to provide contrast against the lightest parts of the armor, while the reds can be warm enough to get me the temperature contrast as well.  Most of the other possible schemes had a tendency to give only one of those benefits.

Besides, those Altdorf dandies are supposed to be the ones with the spare cash to have fancy, shiny stuff like this!

There's lots more Empire on the way!  Stay tuned...


  1. Excellent work, as always. Kind of puts my Altdorf army to shame.

    1. Thanks! I would love to see your Altdorf army, because I learn a lot when I see how other painters interpret the same thing...

  2. Its a good thing my army is from Stirland! Cause I could never get their armor (those few that actually have it) to look that shiny!

    1. Ironically, the Empire army I wanted to do for myself was supposed to be from Stirland! That's because I wanted to incorporate a vampire theme, with all mounted troops being in Sylvania colors.

      I even thought of putting zombie or skeleton parts on the infantry...

      Combo armies make life cheaper!!

  3. Damn - the NMM on the armor is crazy! nicely done!

    1. Thanks! Thanks for checking out the blog as well. :-)
