
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The snakes from above...


Here we have some top views of the snake unit.  The two columns are magnetized, so that they can be removed and placed on the display board.




  1. I just want to say that I love your work!!
    I have been making scenic movement trays for my armies for some time and recently have left the greenstuff and other two part epoxies alone and am dabbling with Sculpey.. I have a question about the movement trays for your TK stalkers.. How do you get such hard and straight lines on the edges of the base? As far as modelling in cracks and glyphs, I have it all down, I just can't seem to get the stuff very square.. Are you baking large sheets, etching in afterwards and breaking off the pieces you want? I would love to hear how you're doing that!
    I am -Totenkopf- on warseer if you want to PM me..

    1. Thanks for the kind words! Thanks also for checking out the blog!

      I did measure out my sheets of sculpey (which are not really all that big... maybe 2 chariot bases max) and do some initial cutting when it was still unbaked. I used a very sharp exacto knife, and tried to make sure that my cuts were done in both directions, as it still wants to 'pull' the material.

      Even then, I often have to sand or carve it after baking to get things straight.

      I hope that is helpful!
