
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

ROAR! Here come the beats of burden...

Well, for something as huge as Grond, it's gonna take some hefty monsters to haul that thing around!

I didn't have as many reference photos as I do today, so I had to make my own monsters in my own vision.

At the time, I really liked the dinosaurs from the VOID sci-fi game, of the Viridians faction.  These two monsters were sculpted to look similar to those.  As usual, sculpey was used to make them.

I think the actual Grond in the movies was pulled by 3 monsters, but I only had space for 2.

They had to be completely sculpted and painted prior to attachment to the main display base.

These views will give you a better idea on the scale of the dinos!

I used some twine to make the ropes attaching the yokes on the beasts to the frame of Grond.

Tonight's late night post will show the converted Trolls... Stay tuned!


  1. Why not use some new Great Gorgoroth beast to pull this very nice Grond model?

    1. This diorama was done in 2005, so those were still many years in the future. :-)

      Also, two of those would be almost $160, whereas these two were free! If I understand it, those orc beasts are being pulled form the shelves since they have all the massive Finecast problems. We avoid Finecast like the Plague ;-)
