
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Female Paladin from Cool Mini


I painted this a few years ago for CoolMiniorNot.  I had lots of fun creating the base design!



This will give you a better view of the design I painted on the base:



  1. Hi James,

    Amazing work, I especially love your lizardmen.

    For your 'army' sized work, could you let us know what colour primer you use? I followed the GW trend of going from white to black (which I really disliked due to my use of very very thin paint, think skim milk like Jeremie Bonamant but without his skill), but now I am back at using white and grey primers. Grey is primarly influenced by Tamiya grey primer used by gundam modellers.

    I find it makes a big difference (though many people don't seem to care)

    I would also appreciate if you wrote about your 'different' techniques for say, mass painting of armies. Do you use a more straight forward 'all base colours then build up' or 'focus on one colour at a time?'

    Your skills are amazing!


    1. For me, there are no tabletop minis, so my approach remains basically the same for every single miniature. I may need to do something different for a new color scheme or a super complex figure, etc., but all things are done in mostly the same way, via the shaded basecoat and glazing.

      I will use white, grey or black primer depending on the particular figure, and the effect I want to achieve.

      Since I always use brush on primer, it is not unusual for me to have all three of those primer colors on a single figure. I will sometimes even mix paint colors in with my primer (White primer, usually).

      I am always painting dozens of figure at any one time, so every day is army painting day. :-)

      I hope this answers some of your questions... thanks for following the blog!
