
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Giddyup! Save a horse, ride a skeleton...


Here is a color test figure for the horse archers.  I have been itching to paint the armor section of these guys for a while.  I had been painting on the horses and riders to this point.  It is fun to see one finished!

This image gives you an idea of the armor that I sculpted.  I did the armor in sections, and then made moulds of each part.

Each piece was cast, and then placed on the horses.
  I used sheets of tin foil as a backing, so that the green stuff would not deform or collapse.





  1. Wonderful! Looking forward to seeing it finished now. :)

    If you have a moment in your frantic dash for the finish line, I have a question..

    I tried your tin foil/greenstuff trick the other day and it was partially successful and I'm going to try and use it some more next week.

    My question is, how do you get the tin foil to adhere to the greenstuff?

    Do you just put the foil on one side? I tried to sandwich it in between two pieces of greenstuff and then flatten the whole thing..

    Many thanks and keep up the great blog!

    1. Hello!

      I make sure to have lots of water between the mould and the green stuff. That helps make it release a bit easier. Also, when I press down on the mould to shape the green stuff, that is pressing it onto the tin foil at the same time (all of these are one part moulds, BTW).

      If you mix more yellow than blue with your green stuff, that makes it more 'sticky', and therefore get a better grip on your tin foil. :-) Having more yellow in the mix also makes it easier to get a better cast with more detail.

      Much of this is trial and error. Even now, I have to practice a bit to make things go easily!
