
Monday, May 14, 2012

Classic Tzeentch character

Now this really qualifies as a 'classic' mini :-) I am sure it would be very difficult to find one of these today!






  1. This is ace. He looks well sinister.

  2. One of my favourite miniatures:) Excellent painting.

  3. Hi James,

    Excellent work once again. I love this guys frill and face, the blend of colours gives it a real sly and cunning look.

    I was wondering how the painting guides were coming along, if any are through the process, becuase I feel as if I'm ready to progress in my painting and I would like to know how to blend flesh tones and fabric tones to make my models look more realisitc. This is mainly because I am hoping to enter a painting competition next year at the Falkirk Carronade(in Scotland)with a fantasy barbarian, I can't wait! Or if you don't have anything maybe direct me to some painting guides online that you have tried or like. Anything of help will be appreciated.

    P.S. If you prefer you can send me an email by going to NAWGC's website, double click on Forums(not blogs ;)), then click on New messages on the top right, then scroll down till you see the forum called James Wappel miniature painting,on the same line as that forum is the Forum Creator (that's me CRUSAD3R), then click on the name Crusad3r and a wee tab thing will come up with my profile, you can send me an email by the email adress on my profile.
    Sorry if it is too complicated but it may be easier in the long run as I may want to ask you more things about painting/sculpting etc and I would find it easier to do it by email rather than long winded comments on your website that you may not read. :D

    Top marks on your figures though!

  4. I am still trying to figure out the best way to do those. I found ot the hard way that if I create a new 'page', I can never add to it once it is published. So, I may have to do each tutorial as its own page, which could get a bit busy, since there are so many of them :-)

    Sorry for the delay! I think I will try to e-mail you some PDF's in the meantime.

