
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Great Eagle from CoolMiniOrNot

I painted this for CMON in 2010.  The eagle is sculpted very well, and it is made of resin.  I would be very tempted to use it for Lord of the Rings myself!

The base is 50mm, so that gives you an idea of size.  It is very comparable to the Great owl I posted a few days ago...






A few close ups...


The rider can also be used on foot...


  1. Wow! next great model great like giant owl. In my opinion you paint it even better than "owl"

    How you pain so many miniatures on so high level in so short time? O_O::

  2. I work on a lot of minis all at the same time, trying to maximize every work session as much as possible. I normaly paint between 10-16 hours a day, 7 days a week. That helps get a lot of figures painted in a hurry! :-)

  3. Hi Wappellious,

    First of all I want to say you're an amazing artist. Your work is truly inspiring! I have a question about this model, which I have standing in front of me assembled and ready to go! Can you tell me a little about the colors you used on the eagle? I love the scheme you have but I'm uncertain of where to start. Can you give me a hand?

    Thanks in advance
    Ola Byström

  4. Well, I can't tell you exact colors, mostly because there was a lot of mixing going on, with lots of wet into wet painting.

    On the palette. I laid out a few different browns, some darker, some warmer, etc. A few really dark greens, some tan, and light greys and flesh tones. Using fairly large round brushes, I rapidly covered large areas with color, working quickly enough so that the colors would blend together.

    You can see that I tried to alternate rows of feathers not just between darker and lighter bands, but also color temperature, to the point where a fair amount of green was used.

    I also did a lot of tinting and shading via glazing, very controlled washes.

    Hopefully this is useful information!

  5. Hey there, just stumbled across this. Hands down the best paintjob of a bird/feathers I've ever seen. Who makes the model? Is it a unique sculpt or something I could buy somewhere? Would love to paint one for my wood elves!

    1. Thanks for the kind words! I believe that CMON has discontinued this figure, which made me very sad...

  6. Awww well I'll keep my eye out for it and hope it pops up somewhere. Thanks for the quick reply!

  7. So far no luck. Been scouring the internet for it. I'd pay a lot for one too. :(

    1. It was a number of years ago when I painted that, and I'm guessing that they didn't make all that many to begin with. I wonder if some of the newer companies are starting to make critters like this now...
