
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Island Church

Continuing the centerpiece of the Barbarossa terrain board, it's time to get the roof finished with some shingles.  As I mentioned in the close of the first post, I was going to go with longer planks to match the reference images and a few of the other buildings that we already have.  Only one has traditional shingles.

I discovered that the spray adhesive works really well for this. Not only does it make it easier to glue them on, but it will not warp the hardboard and cereal box material like water based glues.

Yes, you heard that right... just strips of cereal boxes!!

By doing these longer strips, I conserved a lot of time, especially around the angled areas such as the dormers.

I cut a few strips to use on the crests of the roof lines.  This is a part of the actual design, and it helps to cover up the origin points of the planks too.

I repeated the process on the dormers, the door piece, etc.  I also put the Orthodox cross at the top of the onion dome.

Here are a few more images, showing the window sills, and a few other additional effects.

After letting the glue have a few minutes to set, it was time to match the sand and gravel on the base to match all the tree stands and previous buildings.

This was done in the usual fashion, starting with the heaviest gravel, and working down to the finer sand.

Then it was time to put the church on the island to see how it would loo, and if it would fit!

You can see the material that was used to create the church in the background.

This overview shows the size of the church relative to the other buildings that are already complete.

With the surrounding forests, this will not only dominate the landscape, but make a true centerpiece, surrounded by the village and the woods.

Roy was able to find a few resin bridges that will fit perfectly with the rustic nature of the village, and be interesting sources of objectives to fight over!

A few more views, prior to painting...

For the interior, I will be adding printed versions of this Byzantine style church art.  It is a nice way to enhance that part of the building, and potentially make more opportunities for "stolen art" scenarios.  Roy found one in the Battle of the Bulge book, so we will modify that for the Eastern Front.

When I found reference images for the church, I noticed that the interiors tend to be lavishly decorated, almost like miniature wooden Sistine Chapels.

Stay tuned for more!


  1. Great work!!! I hope to see the church painted soon.

    1. Thanks! Hope to be doing that after GenCon :-)

  2. nice work, looking forward to seeing the completed model. I'm a big fan of cereal box card.

    1. Thanks! Once we are back from GenCon, I will try to do that :-)
