
Monday, August 15, 2016

The Reptus Warrior

Here's a Reaper figure that was painted some years ago for my old Lizardman army.  I had lots of mixed Skink and Kroxigor units, and these Reptus heavies gave me some nice variety in my mid range monster figures!

I had a lot of fun working in yet another muted palette range, using a mix of yellows, reds and greens.  There is not much difference between this set of colors and those I have been using on the recent WW2 figures.

It just goes to show you how a relatively limited color range does not limit what you can create! 

It's the strategic placement of those colors which manufactures the shape that is seen in the final result.  By using the muted copper (or red in this case) for the armor gave a touch of contrast, but even this is minimized by the addition on the greenish blue patina.

The yellow golds of the shield are toned down by the inclusion of yellow in the majority of the green color of the scales.

Even the foliage helps to promote this balance, as I chose colors that were very much in line with what was painted on the figure.

Even more interesting is the fact that most of the foliage was added very recently... as in a few days ago!

He's also here:

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