
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Basing your Wereshewolves

Recently Raging Heroes added some wonderful new figures, the Wereshewolves!  I will be doing a number of posts on them soon, but I thought I might dovetail this post onto the recent basing of the Flames of War French artillery.  

That was 15mm scale, so now it is time for the 'normal' 28mm variety.  I wanted to illustrate how the same materials can look radically different depending on the scale of the figure.

This Wereshewolf is standing on a 60mm base.  I need to create a rock face that is on an angle, so that I can make it appear if she is climbing to the edge of a precipice.  

I gathered together some tree bark, and began to "shimmy" the leading arm upward, making sure to leave space for the back feet.

It's OK to use multiple pieces of bark to get what you need in terms of shape.  This is also why I never throw any of my pieces away!

The magical Oxide Paste from Vallejo will be used as "mortar" between the layers, as usual for my "Bark and Branch" technique.

I really like this very cheap, very think super glue for this purpose.  It adds some extra holding power, dries faster than the oxide paste, and can be used for other interesting tasks on the base as well.  Did I mention that the ten tubes were 99 cents?

The initial layers of bark are in place, so I can now build on from this point.

A spare piece of bark with a wonderful texture is going to fill in this somewhat boring area.  You can see the super glue here as well.

To match the texture of the rock under the hand, I used some pieces of my bulletin board cork, which can be broken up easily into all kinds of fantastic shapes.  This is the same cork that I used for the Artillery basing... and it certainly looks different next to a 28mm monster!

The oxide paste and glue will hold the pieces in place...

You can even brush the oxide paste over all the surfaces to make the textures match a little more closely.  In this case, I will be using some more gravel to fill in the gaps.

This is what I am doing on this side.  Biggest rocks first, and then working all the way down to fine sand, just as I did on the Artillery.

I had a few extra pieces of branch which I had broken off another piece being used for a different base.  It seemed to be just right!

You can see the smaller rocks and finer gravel used to fill the gaps between the large stones.  More to come on the Basing Your Wereshewolves, so stay tuned!


  1. What's the difference between the oxide paste and some of their other pastes - like Coarse Pumice and Sandy Paste? Can they be used in a similar way?

    1. The various pastes have different textures... some are meant to replicate lava, others are for sand, some are for mud, etc.

  2. Hmmm... got some WOK wolves coming that i may do for the NOCF this year if i can get the ironstrider done quickly. Not saying i'm gonna steal these ideas, but not saying i am not gonna steal these ideas ;) Nice work again sir!

    1. Hehe... yes indeed! I have a number of KoW multibased trays that I am working on for my armies now! :-)

  3. So you are going to do a Herd army for KoW? :) Make sure you post this in the KoW FB page(s) James. I was surprised how few players knew Raging Heroes.

    1. KoW makes me want to make an army for everything! And I think I will do just that! I have a set of these wolves which I will be using to make some allied undead units, I think. Eventually I will make an entire undead army!
