
Friday, December 11, 2015

Bark and Branch: Big and Small

I thought that you might like to see some raw images of bark and branch bases.  It's been a while since I have shown the unpainted versions.

As usual, red oxide paste was used like mortar, helping to hold the layers together by filling in the gaps between the layers which I built up.

I employed a few different textures of bark, which is always a lot of fun!

Placing bits of branches as massive gnarled logs is a great way to get scale and additional texture to a base without too much work.  The piece will usually have to be positioned several times before you find just the right spot, but the extra effort is worth it!

I have a number of posts on this "Bark and Branch" technique in the basing section of the blog.  These show many different sizes and types of bases, and even how they are painted.

Here's a quick construction post:

Two very different size bases.  The one on the left is 30mm, while the massive base next to it has many different layers of bark, held together with the oxide paste, super glue, and even elmer's glue.

The whole set, ready for painting!!