
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Dabbling in dapple gray again.

You've seen a lot of the Red Box Games infantry... but there's horsies too!

I couldn't resist painting this one up with the dapple grey color scheme.

I enjoy this breed of horse so much, I had to make it the topic of one of the kickstarter painting videos.  One of two horse breeds which I covered.


  1. This is a strange sculpt. The rider seems too tall for the horse, perhaps it is because of the saddle.
    The spots you painted on the horse are also a bit weird, at first glance I thought they were scales.
    Overal not a big fan of this miniature.
    Not that I can do beter, it's just I've seen so many magnificent mini's painted by you I was a bit surprised by this one.

    1. The sculpt is definitely unusual. I think that he got better at sculpting those particular animals after a few practice runs :-) As for the horse, it's Dapple grey, and they have some interesting markings/colorations, which look a lot like scales (which has always fascinated me). I was working directly from my horse breed bible. All 800 pages!!! I love that book ;-)

    2. Ok so you're a great painter (as you know), but yeah, that horse looks really odd. the sculpt is way off and the dapple grey just didn't come out right. Ah well, can't win 'em all.

  2. I have also painted that mini from Red Box Games. There is a problem of scale but the biggest problem is that the saddle is far too high, which makes the horse look like a camel. I had to grind the saddle deep with a Dremmel tool so that the rider and the horse looked better. You shold try it with the next one you paint.

    1. Hehe, you are definitely right about that! :-) This one was already assembled, so it was not an option, but I will certainly carve the saddles down as you mention on the future riders.
