
Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Big Guys!

Did I mention that I was VERY excited to have some Infamy Miniatures in da house?
Yes indeed!!!  Here we have some 54mm versions of outstanding sculpts.  As I mentioned in the first post, the detail is mind boggling.  They will be a joy to paint as a result.
It is also very easy to assemble them.  Everything is quite logical, and a solid peg is used each time.  You won't have to worry about sensitive joints breaking.

Each of the characters is cast in a minimal number of parts, which makes me a happy camper, and lets me get to the paint brushes that much faster :-)

The particular Bobby is going to be a lot of fun.  The gun, helmet, and other gadgets are finely sculpted and well cast.  Sometimes things like rivets and other tidbits that are so common to steampunk theme are either miscast or bisected by an evil mould line.  Not so here.

This jolly good fellow will be an opportunity for some very interesting skin colors.  Not to mention some OSL for the bit of fun he has in his hand...

This mega Sheriff is huge!  He's on a 60mm base.  I was amazed at how nicely all those arms and such fit together.  All of the joints used that same pin system, making it very easy to put together, and pretty resilient too.

I don't know if these will be the final bases or not.  They are from Secret Weapon Miniatures, by the way.

Up next from Infamy Miniatures will be a post that shows some 30mm versions of these characters, as well as a few more!  Stay tuned.

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