
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Sneaky Spica

Day one is complete!!!!  It was a nice average day... seven to seven.
Lots of folks came by the booth, which was great!  Each time I asked what the time was, it was way later than I expected.  I had a blast seeing friends, fellow Wappellians, and fellow Weird West fans!

I had a lot of fun talking about the finer points of the game, army building, and more.  Seeing all my painted figures spread across the table was rather shocking!  I didn't realize just how extensive that had become.

Of course, there was also the opportunity to show off the freshly painted Holy Order of Man posse!  Yay!  Now I just gotta play some games with these guys!


  1. Looking good as always James! Those rivets really draw the eye! Hope you're having a blast at GenCon!

    1. Thanks! It has been pretty wild doing all the presentation of the game. I spent pretty much the whole day doing that.
