
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Pink Flamingo is open for business!

With the Pink Flamingo ready for business, I wanted to get you some shots of the finished structure.

A few touches of weathering powders here and there were just enough to take the edge off.

I'm really looking forward to seeing this next to all the other buildings!

We used this two story building in a number of our earlier fights, but it has been set aside for a while until it had paint like the rest...

It was always a focal point of each fight, and I'm sure it will be again!

There are a number of new kits coming up from the genius of Burn in Designs.  Those will be splashing here as spring moves to summer.

The Bank is a two story structure like this, so that should lead to more interesting situations, since the only other pieces we had to match this height were the watchtower and the Water Tower.

So stay tuned for some fun images of the Flamingo in action!!!  And remember, go check out all these amazing kits at Burn in Designs.


  1. Inspired. That looks fantastic James.

    1. Can't wait to show you the first battle report!

  2. That is absolutely stunning, a thing of beauty Sir!

    1. Much appreciated! There are even more amazing kits coming down the road!!!
