
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Frosted Flakes for Dessert?

One more post for you showing some more modification of broccoli bases.

Oxide paste is set down first, to set the pieces of bark like mortar.

This one had far less texture on the original base, which left me free enough to do more than just fill in the blanks.

Mica flakes!  And old favorite returns.

It not only filled in the gaps between bark pieces, it also made a fun leaf texture.  I will be trying out some paper leaves on this one, I think.

A few touches of sand and gravel were just the final touch I needed.

Another Dark Sword figure gets the additional bark treatment.

Four figures, four broccoli bases dealt with!  Time for priming...


  1. What a great idea to work around the metal base, which is unfortunately part of the miniature.
    I usually spend an hour or so hacking and sawing when trying to remove them.
    Well done!

    1. Glad to be of use! I remember our early days of miniature painting, when we had no idea what to do!

  2. Who knew people spent so much time cutting these up? Historicals are almost entirely produced this way.

    1. Sometimes people like them, sometimes people hate them :-)
