
Friday, May 15, 2015

Another grand experiment begins!

As you know, one of my long term tasks over the next year is to test and play around with the Reaper Clear colors.  There are six in all, and I have been rapidly finding uses for all of them!

I painted several figures using mostly the Clear colors, mixing in a few 'regular' more opaque colors with them, as well as a few of my glazes.

The results were already intriguing, as I learned how versatile they can be!!

I used them as a straight glaze, as regular paint, thinned down with flow improver, and much more!

What better figures to begin such experiments than with the Wooster sisters (yes, that's my name for these fantastic Reaper Miniatures).  This is Betty, and like her sister Lilly, she is very fond of her "pets".  This particular pet is a Reaper BONES dire rat.

These high society ladies have brought their pets to Wappelville with them.  They find Dr. Carpathian's work to be very fascinating, and quite modern!

While very astute and experimental themselves, the Wooster sisters are continuing their experiments in town, courtesy of a lab which their Uncle, Bertram Giles Wooster (owner of the Final Slumber Funeral Parlor) has provided.

Who knows what kind of mischief might be caused if some of their 'pets' should be turned loose in the alleys of Wappelville!!


  1. Lovely painting and base modeling.

    1. Thanks! Wait until you see her sister Lilly! :-)

  2. Glad you're finding the Clears useful, James! FYI another "clear" is the new HD Umber Brown, if you've got it. I tried my best for coverage, but Umber pigment is one of the most transparent no matter what you do. :)

    1. I don't have that one! Must have them all... you did amazing work in creating those, that's for sure. They can do just about anything!

  3. Great story and a great painting. There are so many techniques and so many kinds of materials and colors that a person who does not have much experience, just marvels, and to be honest, a little bit lost in it. It's nice that there are blogs that besides finished Creations presents the procedures and different experiences. Like yours. Thanks.

    1. Cheers! I love creating all the stories for the minis. That's a lot of fun in itself, but it also makes the games much more enjoyable!
