
Monday, March 2, 2015

Strange fruit from the Great Figure Forest

Ah, you never know what grows in the Great Figure Forest!

This Myrmidon Destructor fell from a dowel rod tree last week... certainly one of the more unusual species of miniature.

As I said, sometimes you deal with some very odd stuff when painting this much every day.

The base size is 40mm, by the way.  Stay tuned for more from the Figure Forest!!


  1. I'm still amazed at the rate at how many miniatures you can dish out in such short time! I'm green with envy.

    1. Hehe... thanks! :-) The shaded basecoat/glazing techniques have certainly made that possible.

      Also, working on such high volume tends to make efficiency that much easier. Saving a few seconds here and there can make a huge difference as a project rolls on!
