
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sound the Bugle!!!

You can just hear the sound of the cavalry charge being played by this guy!

No respectable cavalry unit goes without one!

Lots of different poses on this unit... about 4 main types of horses...

Which meant a chance to create a little variety in the tones, despite the fact that type of horse breeds to choose from is quite limited.  Brown, dark brown, and darker brown. :-)


  1. Good to see the blog going from strength to strength James! What projects do you have going at the moment? I have been out of the loop for a few months and I can't wait to see your work again! Will definitely be showing this model to some of my club members. :)

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

      There are quite literally dozens of projects going on. It's the nature of the Beast. :-) One of them is so secret, I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement :-)
