
Monday, December 8, 2014


As more of the cavalry is filled out, the more I realize how many horses I have painted in recent months. :-)

I have painted a lot of them over the years, but this is even more than my Lord of the Rings armies combined.

It has been very strange to be so restricted in the choices of colors...

Aside from white horses, there's not much variety.  However, that will change with the Wild West Exodus Warrior Nation!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Many thanks, as always! Wait until you see the entire mob of 24 ;-)

  2. Excellent. Are they being painted for some game or just for fun of it? Or are they commissioned?

    1. Thanks for the kind words! These are a commission. :-)

    2. Lucky one who is going to receive them.
      They look gorgeous.

    3. Yes... sadly, he won't really know how lucky he is ;-)

    4. In a way, yes :-) Mostly the belief that painted minis grow on trees, or are like pennies that you find on the sidewalk :-)

  3. Those Cuirassiers are thing of beauty !!

    You should have Napoleonic tag in the menu on the left !

    1. I had been debating that, but you have swayed the authorities! :-) There's lots more of these coming, so I will go with the Napoleonic tag!

    2. Very good, I am now in process of painting mine, and i was looking for well painted models in the net for inspiration and info how to paint them attractive.
      Ive checked here but there were no Nap tag..
      And next day i saw them in the updates :>

      Well worth having !!!
      (tag and the models :>

    3. Hehehe... I learned the hard way last year that you can't retroactively go back and change the tags. It ends up treating it like a new post! Yikes. It really made a mess of things.

      But, you caught it early, so all the other ones will benefit!!! Thanks again for the catch! :-)
