
Sunday, August 3, 2014


A little bit of everything for you tonight.  A touch of Memoir terrain for our next campaign, including a cemetary.

Some gravel, which did double duty to stabilize the green stuff bases for the trees.

With a spot of paint and flock...

And a few quick bridge sections made out of pink foam.  Took just a matter of minutes!

I have also been working very hard on five Castellax Battle-Automata.  Lots of crazy little parts to scrub down.

Finished bridge sections...

The color scheme will be identical to the Krios tank.  Final Shaded Basecoat stage here.

I am doing this to all five... and then some serious glazing and tinting to take place!!


  1. Oooh, quite like those bridges - and the terrain hexes are lovely. What make are the trees?


    1. Many thanks for the kind words!! The trees are dried foliage from Michael's. I think most craft stores carry something like them :-)
