
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Working in the shade

That time!  Shade and tint.  Out come the Black shade and liner paints.

Mixing them in secondary batches along the way and thinning them with water and or flow improver, I worked along the lowest edge of the base.

I pulled some of the darker shades up into the rocks as well, mixing in a bit more blue.

I did a lot of wiping away paint with my hand and towel on this.  I would do a few applications of darker paint on the rocks, and dab that away while it was still wet.

I wanted to repeat that blueish gray color on the armor was well, so I saved a bit of that mix for the armor plates.

The glazing is done in stages... not all at once!  This was my first layer on the loincloth.  Many more would follow.

I had some darker glaze colors on the bottom of the leg, so I 'pulled' those up to the upper thigh with a drier brush, turning the figure upside down so that gravity would assist.

Moving up the figure, starting to do the first glazes on the face an mane.

I continued to the upper arm...

I added more glazes to the loincloth and to the face.  Remember, 3-6 light glazes will get you some nice color transitions.  One massive splash of glaze gets you a mess. :-)

Working on the back, mostly the bow, quiver and such. I tried to introduce some green here, so that it would contrast with the cooler reds of the skin tone.

Another layer of dark on the quiver.

Here you can see some major difference in the bottom edge of the loincloth.  That was mostly a mix of red and brown liner paints.

More successive glazes on the back sections.  Some places got as many as 7 or 8.

The semi transparent light glazes are next!


  1. Very cool. This is what I need to work on. Do you have a ratio or feel for how much flow improver / water to use vs. paint?

    1. It is all definitely by feel, since each paint has a different chemical composition. Also, it will depend on how the figure is sculpted, how big or small it is, etc.

    2. How much time is elapsing from the start of this article, to the end? I always have an issue with paint drying, even if I use some medium.

      Model is coming along beautifully. It really looks like one of the big jumps from table top to display quality comes from using progressively thinner and lighter layers (as opposed to slopping it on).

    3. Thanks :-) It is hard to say, since I was working on three other things at the same time! The glazes normally don't dry very quickly, since there is a lot of water and glaze medium in the paint. Also, I don't put little dabs of paint on the palette, which means they last longer as well ;-)
