
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Painting the board: part one!

Actually, there were numerous things that had to be added before I could even start to think about painting the board.

I had a ton of little details that I wanted to add, in the form of very thin pink foam strips.  Time considerations meant less, which was a bit of a bummer.

More of the strips will be added to some of the roof sections, however...

Remember how I said that this was made in a modular fashion?  Here you go!  Breaking it down for ease of painting (and attaching the windows, but that is a later post).

It was a little scary to break it all down, but kind of neat as well!  I just had to make sure I kept all the parts at least somewhat organized.

Everything laid out for painting the interior surfaces!

Before I could paint the ground level, I wanted to add at least a little texture.  Normally, I would use Oxide Paste, but that was running very low, and I didn't think I would have enough of it.

So, I mixed Flex Paste in with various rocks and gravel.

Here's what it looked like.  You can see that I have left some gaps for the Aegis Defense Line.

Magic primer time!  Those of you familiar with all my other terrain projects know how I love to use this magnetic primer.  It is very heavy, but it means that lighter magnetized miniatures will stick to it relatively well.

You can barely see the outlines of a metal plate in this shot.  The metal is designed to hold metal miniatures that are using rare earth magnets.

As that dried, I painted the interior surfaces of the walls.  These would be a little lighter than the outer walls.

And now for the outer walls.  A little less brown, and more black mixed in.  Not too dark, since I wanted other details to be included.

In this picture, you can see that I have been doing a bit of weathering on the panels.  It is much easier to to do when they are not glued in place!

That proved to be very critical...  This modular form made painting so much easier, as well as the putting in the windows.

Stay tuned for painting the inner floor of the Cathedral of the Raven!


  1. I had a go with that Magnetic Primer once. I put down 6 coats and it certainly didn't do the job. My current method is to cut up biscuit tins. First step - eat biscuits.

  2. Biscuits are tasty :-)

    I only expect the magnetic primer to hold lighter miniatures as I mention... resin, plastic and such.

    I use the metal sheets that I talked about for the heavy figures, using rare earth magnets to attach them. The magnetic primer is helpful on rougher surfaces, where something like a metal plate is not an option....

  3. Unfortunately, I have to agree with Kara Nash, that Rustoleum magnet primer is garbage. I put EIGHT coats of it on a play kitchen I built for my son, and his lightest magnets barely hold on. On some of his others, the weight of the magnet itself drags it down to the floor :(.
    Hopefully yours turns out better, being a horizontal surface.

    1. It has worked fine for me, since I use refrigerator magnets on the bottom of my minis. This broad surface makes a much better connection to the primer than one tiny rare earth magnet.

  4. I forgot to leave a positive comment as well! This looks like an amazing project. The building structure is incredible and the details are the cleanest I've ever seen in foam. Well done!
