
Friday, April 4, 2014

Leaping ahead...

I realize that this is leaping out of sequence, but the camera that has the images of the roof construction is in the parking lot right now!

So, you get treated to the first images of the army and completed board together!

Actually, this was my first view of it as well, since I had to paint one of the squads from 2:30 this morning until 6:30 am... that was very rough, and very frantic!  There was a point where I really thought it was not going to work out...

Somehow I was able to stick with it, and keep pressing ahead no matter what.  I am on hour 53 with just 2 hours sleep, so this post will be mostly just pictures :-)

I was so rewarding to see it all together!  This project in particular was very daunting, given all the other mayhem going on around it.

I was also nice for Victoria to see it just before the first round was to begin.  Many thanks to her and Mr. Justin for helping make it all possible!

Thanks to Cathy, Ray, Rich, Jon, Caius, Domus, Marty, Dennis and many others for giving me so much help in so many ways.  This was the one project that had to succeed, regardless of physical and mental costs :-)

Thanks to everyone for stopping by with kind words... and votes as well!!!

Yes, I love my new cart!  It made it incredibly easy to move everything around!

The windows had just the blue glow I was looking for with the LED lights!  Yes!!!!


  1. Outstanding and what an effort to get it done in time - a work of genius Sir.

    1. Thanks! I hope it has been fun to follow that from pink to finished!

  2. Get some sleep!!! Honestly I dont know how you function

  3. That is an increadible job well done in such a frantic short time. I'm envious, and inspired at the same time. Thank you for this :)

  4. My word, working through the night! That's dedication. Kudos to your efforts Sir! I don't think I have ever painted past 11pm... thats "wine-o'clock" for me !

    1. Yes... that is not terribly fun! I really long to be able to get 4 hours of sleep... :-)
