
Thursday, March 20, 2014

It takes a Saint

Time to introduce the Warlord of the Sisters of the Raven.  The Living Saint... Saint Morrigan.

Dealing firey doom to all mutants and heretics, she wields her version of the Ardent Blade.

Obviously I had some fun with the fluorescent paints!  Multiple light sources such as this present challenges.  It creates a lot of havoc in your shadow areas, and it's even more daunting when there are so many light colors which are already pretty warm.

This meant 'cooling down the flesh tones as much as possible, and getting more green into the gold armor.  That would provide at least a slight contrast to the super warm, super saturated flame reflections without making it too dark.

Of course, the old saying is that "you must have dark to show light".  You can mix all the white in the world into your light source, but if it's not up against at least a heavy middle tone, it will be no dice for your light!

Here she is displayed among a few of her troops.


  1. Superb. As good an example of OSL as I've seen. The flame is simply fantastic. I must take a look at fluorescent paints.

    1. Thanks! They are very fun to work with, although they do require a different approach...

    2. What range do you use? A tutorial in the future, perhaps?

    3. There are a number of step by step articles here on the blog. You can search them on the left hand column. I believe there are 2 or 3 step by steps on painting lava/fire, and many others in the Tomb Kings area on fluorescent in general...

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for the kind words! There were so many disparate elements to work together...

  3. Beautiful as always. I have found the fluoro paints very thick, what do you use to thin them down?

    1. Thanks! :-) I use just about anything, but Reaper's Flow Improver does a nice job.

  4. Excellent work! What model is your Saint converted from? Last time I saw pictures of it floating around, I spent hours scouring the internet to find it with no luck.
