
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

On a wing and a prayer...

I think a few of you might recognize this color scheme from somewhere :-)

As I said over and over again at Adepticon, I would work in the Dark Eldar freehand into one of the videos!  I had these in mind from the start, because they were the closest thing to the jetbikes as a non-GW figure.

The idea is to do as many kinds of freehand over as many surface shapes as possible.  That's why just about every square millimeter has some fashion of design on it.

The good folks at Urban Mammoth gave me the OK to use a few of their minis for the videos, and the Archangels have always been favorites of mine.

I tried to work in as many different types of freehand as I could, even on the base itself.  There will also be a 'side session' or two showing how I work out potential designs in a two dimensional form first.

The gals in the video are the 'flying' versions of the Vasa Archangels.

Be sure to check out the Urban Warfare figures and the game.  They do some amazing art, which leads to fantastic minis!

Unboxing the Finecast Gwaihir

As I was clipping many pieces of resin from vents, gates and sprues, I thought I would get this guy in the mix as well.  I need a second eagle for my expanded LOTR Knights of the Blood Rose army.  While my original eagle will serve as Gwaihir, the Finecast version would be OK for that second 'regular'eagle.

The plastic eagles will be used when we do our really big 1000 point games. :-)

So, here is how it comes out of the box:

Everything clipped, scraped and filed.  Washed with dish soap as well!

Gluing the pieces into place, using the same glue/green stuff/glue technique...

As it is with all resin eagles (or anything with feathered wings for that matter), you will need to do some green stuff feathers to hide the joints.  I did pretty much the same kind of feather additions that I made on the CMON birds...

I mixed up some of the brown craft paint and some black primer to see how that would work.  it actually worked pretty well!  That's cool!  I don't think I will be able to do the painting on this until after our next journey...