
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Every Ship needs a Captain... or a Colonel

Ah, here we go.  The fearless commander of the Angel of Dominance... otherwise known as Colonel Zeke.

This was something that I sculpted in an afternoon to get ready for one of our Inquisitor RPG sessions. 

Zeke's first vehicle was a Sentinel.  He was quickly promoted to Squad leader when he was the only one who managed not to crash his Sentinel into the barracks.

Next, Zeke was transferred to the Tiny Dancer, a Chimera transport which was covered in sequins.  His job was to entice anxious Ogryn into the "Shiny box", telling them that it was part of a magic trick.  needless to say, it never ended well.

As luck would have it, Zeke was promoted to platoon leader of a squad of Griffon tanks.  Since there was a shortage in artillery vehicles, his was the only unpainted Griffon, and nobody wanted to be near this bright red primered target!  However, when the front line was breached by a mass of angry Orks, the rest of the Griffons were promptly destroyed by the oncoming horde.

When the orks caught sight of his red Griffon, they seemed to shout something along the lines of "Go Fastah!!!!" and continued on their rampage, wiping out the rest of the Imperial units in the battle.

As the sole survivor of this battle, Zeke was promoted once again to command the Angel of Dominance.

Aside from blowing away enemies of the Imperium with the Angel's significant firepower, The Colonel is interested in three things.  Drinkin', Racin', and Shootin' (not necessarily in that order), as can be seen by his tattoos.

He believes in the right to Bare Arms, although he is frequently cited for being "out of uniform".  The Colonel is not fond of Space marines, who he refers to as overgrown test tube babies.  He says they are undersexed and overdressed.


  1. Great miniature, the mud is well represented.
    The miniature seems high, what's the scale ?

    1. Thanks! This was made for Inquisitor, so it's 54mm scale

  2. His legs are about half as long as they should be. His arms look like they would reach past his knees!

  3. Again, if you read the text, it said that I sculpted this in a few hours for an RPG game. That meant I did not have hour upon hour to make things perfect :-)

    1. Missed that part, thought it was a purchased model!

    2. He he... this was not the only thing that had to be sculpted in a hurry! Our mechanic needed to be sculpted in a matter of hours as well :-)

  4. Loving the moustache, how'd the game go? Did he kill any under sexed marines?

    1. Almost, which was interesting, because there were two space marines in training that were part of the retinue!

      Zeke and the entire crew sacrificed themselves in a blaze of glory to destroy a hideous piece of Xenos tech. We even set all the munitions to overload. Bang!!!
