
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Group Hug...

As I mentioned yesterday, one of the things I was trying to do with the Ultraforge Demon was show how you can transfer a color scheme between two similar, but yet radically different, figures.

In this case, it was using the same color scheme as the Raging Heroes Mantis Warriors.  Obviously, the little gals did not have wings, but there were enough surfaces that could be repeated.

I did the armor in a similar set of colors as the claw/hoof sections of the Mantis warriors.

The spots on the wings were a lot of fun.  On the little 28mm figures, all I could do was the much smaller set of spots and such...

There they are!  More pics of the finished Pleasure Demon from Ultraforge when I can add in the final details!


  1. Wonderful stuff! This is gorgeous!

    I'll have to rethink which dvds I'll wanna get to be able to achieve this! May I ask which dvds I should get from the kickstarter to cover the techniques and paint for these minis?

    1. Thanks! Glad you liked them! I always recommend the shaded basecoat and glazing videos. Those are 'foundation' videos, which lead into everything else.

      There is a video that also covers painting the small Raging Heroes demonettes. That would be a good place to begin.

  2. Wow! I think you meant grope hug, given the subjects involved :P

    1. Given those claws, I might be a bit nervous for that ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. Many thanks! I wish I could have made this more interchangeable with a Fantasy style base.

      However, I thought my gaming buddy (who uses the Slaneesh greater demon quite often) could use this 40k style base...

  4. Must admit if I was going to play chaos, this would be the incarnation...

    1. Yes, Rich had the Demonettes out there quite often in our WFB games. Plus, the Masque as well...
