
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Cathy as Tank Girl

Here's another case where it just seemed so odd to be working on a tank that was not 40k... or sci-fi in any way.

One of Cathy's current projects is a Sherman tank, which required a little bit of a rethink on assembly strategies...

In some ways, it was quite similar, with lots of little parts to snip off of a sprue.  I guess it was the nature of those parts which seemed so odd :-)

Lots of extra priming to do here!

A few DVD's of Greatest Tank Battles played for ambiance, as well as drumming up a few ideas for storage and markings.

Speaking of stowage!!!

So, we shall see how all this turns out!

And Wage will be there every step of the way to help out.


  1. Uh the instructions out.

    1. Yes, she studied those like crazy... not like me ;-)

  2. to think I'm probably going to be doing a 1/48 Tamiya Crusader I/II or Matilda II kit in the near future, I will be doing this stuff as well...

  3. Is it me or do these projects look a little daunting at first :) I'm sure you'll do magic with it, have fun ^^

    1. The first ones are always fearsome, and then they can become downright routine if you do that a few dozen times... which is what happened with 40k dreadnoughts :-)

  4. It appears to me that Wage might be taking the eat more fiber bit far too seriously.
