
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Brunhilde for the Gold!

Here she is!  The mounted Brunhilde figure for the Painting Gold NMM video.  As I thought, the multitude of surfaces provided me with lots of ways to illustrate the layout of colors, lights and darks, etc.

There were also many nice detailed bits to work with, so I could maximize the reflections of one surface on another.

As you can see by the base, the horse is no whimpy little pony!  This makes one heck of an Empire hero/general. :-)

I used the alternate version of this figure (shield instead of banner), since that one fit much better with my camera and lighting set up!


  1. Wow! You've certainly mastered the NMM painting! I thought you were done in earlier post, which was till nice, but this is amazing. The gold looks superb, as well as the rest. And I did see Raging Heroes - amazing sculpts, and comparable in price to GW, but I think their sculpts are even better. Best, Dean

    1. Many thanks! Yes, I often have people thinking a figure is complete after the glazing stage. Ironically, that means it is usually 40-60% finished :-)

  2. I've got to say that the volume of high-quality painting you put out is stunning! Everything looks great and there's a bunch of it! Well done!

    (It takes me forever to get a model done)

    1. Many thanks! Back in the day, it used to take me 5 days to paint a minis, and it looked like junk. Now the same thing takes 5 hours, and looks a zillion times better :-)

    2. It only took you 5 hours to paint that? o.O
      I couldn't afford the painting DVDs Kickstarter when it was running, so I hope they'll be available elsewhere once finished (CMoN?).
      If I can get anywhere close to finishing a model in 5 hours (with lots of practice, of course) I might actually get through all the Reaper Bones minis. ;-)

    3. In this case, less, since it has to fit into the time allotted for filming. Had this been a true commission or contest figure, however, I would have done much more elaborate stuff with the non metal parts.

      That would significantly raise the working time!

  3. Nice and shinny. Just Beautiful! :)

    1. Thanks! Gold can be much tougher than Sky earth chrome, since everything is now tinted yellowish :-)

      That color temp issue is rammed home over and over again in the video!

  4. Beautiful gold NMM. simply wonderful. you alwasy inspire me with your work.

    When will the Videos be coming out James? Super interested in how you painted her in the vid.


    1. Many thanks! The videos for the non-KS will probably be coming out in October, at the earliest.

  5. Wicked stuff, looks like you chose a perfect model for the vid:)

    1. Thanks! Raging Heroes really know their stuff!
