
Monday, May 27, 2013

When allergies attack...

So, what do you do when you are in the midst of a 5 day allergy attack when you can barely speak and your eyes feel as if they have been soaked in gasoline?  Do you shut things down and mash your face against the wall to take your mind off of it?

Of course not!  You do more prep work.  Among many things I tried to work on during this episode, I prepped more Kickstarter minis.  Here we see the washing of the next round of big guys from CoolMini and Ultraforge...

And another batch of Raging Heroes fantasy Blood Vestals.  Here is a little step by step of the baked sculpey bases for them.  We begin with broken pieces of baked sculpey.

The pieces are carved into shape, leaving enough room for the footprint of that miniature.  That footprint is marked on the base, and the holes are drilled.

With the holes drilled, the miniature can be temporarily placed on the base to make sure everything is fine.

Another batch of Raging Heroes miniatures ready for priming!

I was also getting two Gamezone wolves ready for the Painting Fur video.

The bases were extra heavy road construction cork, with some skulls added from Secret Weapon.  Once the cork was in place, I added the rocks and gravel.

The wolves are also ready for priming!!  The color test mini will be painted in the next day or so...


  1. Fine! Cant wait to see how you paint the Blood Vestals.

    1. These gals are always a blast to paint. Definitely favorites of mine!!

  2. Me too. Whatever is pollinating in Kent has set off all my allergies.

    1. What's crazy is that this seems to be isolated to mold. I can stick my face in a huge bed of blooming flowers with narry an issue, but if something has gotten moldy, or spores are in the air from lots of rain or whatever... look out!

    2. used to be utterly miserable from allergies, but recently (about 1.5 years) I have been getting allergy shots. I would say they cut the symptoms about 50%, but since I'm allergic to trees, ragweed, dust mites, and dogs there is always something around hurting me.

      If your allergies bother you a good bit you should really look into it, see your allergist. Most costs should be covered through insurance if you have a decent plan.

    3. Yeah insurance would be a nice thing, but way beyond what I can afford ;-(

  3. I cant wait to see the SDE toad painted!!!! ;)

    1. Cathy brought be that so it could be a 'familiar' for my Lizardman army... Babo's buddy :-)

  4. Thanks for the close ups of the basing. I've been wondering how to pin the blood vestals onto custom bases and I'd wondered about curring the tab down and making them into lugs to secure the model. I was afraid that I'd break the ankles pinning them.

    how do I buy your druchii skin video? That's one of many that I'd like to get.

    1. Many thanks! Once all the Kickstarter videos have been sent out, I will be selling the 'regular' videos on my own, as well as on Cool Mini and other sites.
