
Saturday, April 20, 2013

A "Glowing" report from Adepticon...

Hey folks!  Today was a great day at Adepticon for me.  I got to do something that I never get to do... walk into the dealer's room! Yea!

It was a blast.  I spent time with lots of great folks, got some neat templates from Ironheart Artisans, painted some nifty terrain kits with Tectonic Craft Studios, and hung out with the folks from CoolMiniorNot.  I purchased some of the large creatures that I need for the Kickstarter videos.

There were a lot of great items in there, which I am hoping to check out between rounds on Saturday.

I was able to get a close up look at the fantastic LED lighting system that Powered Play Gaming has been developing.  They listened to me lament how I wished that had been available when I was working on the Tomb Kings project!

We discussed all sorts of ideas for using the lights, including sculpting them directly into my scratch sculpts, such as the colossus and Heirotitan. :-)

They have a kickstarter campaign under way right now, in fact.  It's one that I plan on supporting, as I just have to give those a try!

Check that out here:


  1. Yes indeed! An incredible weekend!

  2. It was great meeting you as well! Thanks for the support and we look forward to seeing you around again, soon.

    1. Thanks so much for all the discussions! It was great to see all your innovations. I hope that Adepticon patrons flocked to the kickstarter!!!!

  3. We ended up restarting the kickstarter and were funded within the first 3 hours! Check out the new page at

    1. Yes! I will try to get the pledge in very soon! I will definitely need your help on my new army project!!!
