
Friday, March 8, 2013

This Olde House: Part Two

When we last left this project, we still needed a way to get in!

Just as I did for the watchtower, I got myself a sheet of baked sculpey, and drew out my design.

This one is slightly different from the watchtower.  I used my trusty wood carving tools, taking care to  vary the depth of my carving.  I wanted the edge of the door and the stones to be deeper, while the wood grain and cracks in the stones were much lighter.

Here I am getting ready to carve in those lighter textures...

The door is carved, and glued in place.

Just like the watchtower door, I used some plasticard to make the metal braces and door handle, etc.

I still have a decent amount of the plastic sheet of brick texture, so I put it to use!  I cut out several 'corner' pieces, which will be exposed brick where the stucco has fallen away.

This image shows a little more of that textured plastic sheet.

Several pieces have been cut and glued in place.

Now for the fun part... some Flex Paste for our stucco texture!

I used the end of one of my woodcarving tools as a de-facto palette knife to apply the flex paste.  not only would this give me the texture I wanted, it would also hide the ends of the pieces of brick texture that we glued on.

Once that was finished, I cut out some flagstones for the entrance.  Then I finished things off with some ballast and rocks of different types.  I learned to be patient with the flex paste as far as drying time goes!  That is, unless you want lots of rocks in your stucco!

As I mentioned in the previous post, I didn't make a chimney for this piece.  I will do so on the next one. :-)

Now that the 40k terrain is painted, I will get some paint this as well!

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