
Saturday, March 2, 2013

The last Grotesque finished!

OK!  The images of the last Grotesque for you.

As usual, when I get a method down pat for painting a particular kind of new miniature, it is at its peak on the last figure!  It would have been handy to know what I know now back when I painted the first one, but that's not quite how it goes. ;-)

In addition, this figure probably had the fewest F-Cast issues, which helped a lot!

As I mentioned in the previous post, I tried out a new material on this figure.  I was very pleased with the results.  There is one last figure related to this group, and that is the Haemunculous baby-sitter.  I will be using some of these techniques on that figure as well.

These top views give you a better look at the close combat weapons, as well as how the figure relates to the base...

I have some pictures of the squad coming as well, so stay tuned!


  1. Amazing work on these James, I absolutely love the skin tone. You've captured that irritated/mutilated flesh look dead on! Are you planning on doing an entire army in this style then or just the unit?


    1. Many thanks!

      I was really hoping for that! I will be doing lots of bloody stuff on everything. My grisly trophies on all the venoms will be hacked up space marines splayed out on the wings.

      I am also going to make objective markers with impaled and splayed marines as well. Just a real bad day for the glorified test tube babies...

    2. Poor space marines, they just can't seem to catch a break can they?! Look forward to seeing them mate, you can never have enough mutilated corpses after all......erm, that came out wrong.....;)

    3. He he... Yes, they are definitely gonna have a rough time. :-) I got the idea from the bladevanes on the Reaver jetbikes. I want to have them actively slicing marines in half, spraying blood and gore everywhere. Should be interesting!!

  2. A fantastic work, I like the colors. Regards.

    1. Thanks for the kind words! These guys have been fun to paint!
