
Friday, July 27, 2012

Gearing up for the big day! Forces arrayed in the Tomb

OK!  Here we go!  I am still making final adjustments and touches to the army, but here is how it stood as of 4am this morning.


I tried a bunch of shots with the flash this time, since there was some success the last time around.  We have images from a variety of areas, starting with the whole board...




Here's an unusual angle:

Now for some close ups...




Here we have some interior shots.  Some with flash, but a few without, so you ca get a feel for how the interior lights really create a wild effect...







And then some additional shots of the ground level...





If anyone is still actually looking at this post by now, I do want to pass along a bunch of thank yous.

First, to Cathy, who has put up with this (and me!) for 14 very long months, which have all been pretty difficult.  Thank you for your patience, and I love you! :-)

To Jon Minard and Marty Gaska, for contributing mass amounts of raw materials for this project.  This thing does not even get off the ground unless Jon's got my back!

To Rich Circo and his son AJ, who kept my gaming interest alive after some ugly tournament experiences.  You guys made me see the fun in this, and then got me into LOTR!  Cool!  Many thanks.

Everyone at the Bunker... Larry, Phil, Chris, Kevin, Rob, Dean, Mike, Katie, Chad, John, Joe and so on, who would always have a kind word to say about the blog, and the army as it went along.

The guys at the Tomb Kings Khemri forum, who have encouraged the heck out of me and kept me going on Tomb Kings, even when the results on the table were a complete disaster! :-)

To my family, who put me through art school only to see it twisted into something as crazy as this!  Oh my!  The law of unintended consequences...

And finally, to all of you, who have kept coming into the insane asylum which is this blog.

I am not expecting to win anything at this point, although it would sure be fantastic if the Tainted Pharaoh pulled off the miracle! 

The story does not end, here, however. In fact, I have to rework the entire army for Adepticon.  So you will see plenty more Tomb Kings!!!!

Necrosphinx! Another monster for Armies on Parade


Well, time is just about up.  One more very very long day coming tomorrow!


At this point, I will be focusing more on tidying up various things like the display board, and some of the miniatures.


This guy was a major challenge, since I wanted to have all the variations in color.  It would have been a lot simpler to do a standard scheme as opposed to the rainbow effect of Tzeentch! :-)


I attempted to have at least some gold remain.  That goes with the whole tainted process, where it may not have taken full effect...



There were so many crazy little surfaces on this thing!  Every time I turned around, there was another area I had missed!



I was not able to do a "step by step" on this piece, but here are a few WIP images I took during the process of painting...



I put this big guy on the army board and shot a bunch of images.  I am off to process those now!  One last big post tomorrow...

As I write this, it is once again very late.  For anyone who is going to see this in person, I hope that all this work over the last 14 months shows!  It might be more difficult when it is all jammed together on the board, as opposed to these individual profiles.  It is my hope, however, that people take the time to really look at what's there!   Oh yeah, and read the fluff as well.