
Friday, July 27, 2012

Necrosphinx! Another monster for Armies on Parade


Well, time is just about up.  One more very very long day coming tomorrow!


At this point, I will be focusing more on tidying up various things like the display board, and some of the miniatures.


This guy was a major challenge, since I wanted to have all the variations in color.  It would have been a lot simpler to do a standard scheme as opposed to the rainbow effect of Tzeentch! :-)


I attempted to have at least some gold remain.  That goes with the whole tainted process, where it may not have taken full effect...



There were so many crazy little surfaces on this thing!  Every time I turned around, there was another area I had missed!



I was not able to do a "step by step" on this piece, but here are a few WIP images I took during the process of painting...



I put this big guy on the army board and shot a bunch of images.  I am off to process those now!  One last big post tomorrow...

As I write this, it is once again very late.  For anyone who is going to see this in person, I hope that all this work over the last 14 months shows!  It might be more difficult when it is all jammed together on the board, as opposed to these individual profiles.  It is my hope, however, that people take the time to really look at what's there!   Oh yeah, and read the fluff as well.


  1. I for one am very excited to see this beast of a project in person!! After reading about it an the individual models for so long. Got my Nikon SLR fully charged and empty for all the shots at games day I plan to take. See ya there

    1. Hello! Many thanks for following the saga! I would actually look forward to seeing how OTHER people see this project ;-) I know exactly what it looks like...

  2. That is simply gorgeous! I've been following this project log avidly, and I love the rich, bright colors. The army is truly one of a kind. Thank you for sharing the process with us!

    Really splendid work, best of luck in AoP!

    1. Thank you as well for following! Knowing that someone else besides me is actually lookig at all these things is reaslly helpful during those very late night painting sessions! Cheers!
