
Thursday, November 22, 2012

More Angron management... the rest of the shaded basecoat

All right folks!  Time to finish off the last of this shaded basecoat stuff, and get set for glazing and tinting this piece.  

You can see that I did some more work on the chain axe since the last post, as well as the face.  Precise colors are not important right now, since the idea is to tint it during the shading process.  This allows us to make adjustments on the fly.  This is very handy when you are trying to match colors from something you may have painted a long, long  time ago! :-)

Hey, where'ya goin?  Don't run away!...

After all the golds and other metal surfaces are complete, we can get into a nice red accent color!

I mixed the red with a bit of grey to cool it down as it was darkened.

The lighter reds are created by mixing in some vomit brown.  This is a good way to get the reds lighter without becoming pink.

As I work on those reds, I also think about some OSL, as in some glowing conduits on the back of the head and under the chin.

More lightening on the reds...

And for those of you wondering about the rest of the set, here are some images of those other pieces...

Just as with Angron, the whole point of what I have done thus far is to make these ready for that dramatic glazing/tinting shading process.

I will post the images of that process after the holiday tomorrow!

Looks like Abima is getting ready for a game of full contact Uno, Wappel style!!


  1. This is great.

    You are a true inspiration sir!
    Phenomenal attention to detail, I am in awe.

    1. Many thanks! I am not really sure how the name Shaded Basecoat came to be... It really seemed the best way to describe it. Of course, it does freak out people who think the miniature is done at the end of the shaded basecoat stage!

  2. Hi, Love your stuff as always, A question that has puzzeled me Why is Angron killing 2 world eaters and an death guard marine ? is it in the fluff somewhere ?

    1. It's from the HH books. When the loyalist World Eaters, Death Guard, etc. survived Horus' virus bombing on Istvaan III, Angron and his posse flew down there and kicked some butt :)

      Great paint job thus far!

    2. Yes, that is why I won't be painting the World Eaters in that same "tainted" scheme that I had done for the rest of the army. It has been difficult to keep remembering that!

  3. I'm loving this mate - I have never seen these techniques before so am very interested in seeing what happens next.

    1. Thanks! Yes, it is a very unusual way to paint compared to everyone else, i think. :-) I am just reverting back to my days as a watercolor/pastel artist...

  4. That's a nice shade of OSL. Keeps him from looking like an angry Christmas ornament.

    1. Deck the halls with lots of gore... :-)

    2. Did you happen to notice that is wasn't done in F-cast type resin? I guess Angron wouldn't stand for that o_0

    3. I was very glad for that! If it had been, I would have been sooooo reluctant to even touch this!

  5. FAAAAR better than the FW version. I've been hating on this model since I've seen pictures but this has actually made the model look good. Of course, it's the Wappels, so I should have known. :-)

    Nice work!


    1. he He. I was feeling a bot of that as well. When I first started prepping them, I was not super inspired. Now that I have gotten most of the tinting and shading done (a post as soon as I process the images), there is a little more drama and interesting areas, etc.

      Many thanks for the kind words, as always. It all means a lot!!!!
