
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kicking things off: the first experiment

Towards the end of the day, I took about 40 minutes to try out a test video.  This was really more about camera angles than anything else.  I wanted something a little bigger, and not incredibly complex.

I grabbed a base, a palette, some brushes, and turned on the camera!

I would learn a lot in just the first few minutes of this attempt.  Keeping the thing I was painting in the camera view (and the palette too) was going to take a lot more practice than I thought.  Perhaps if there was a person behind the camera, it would not have been so difficult.  It is possible that some of the videos will require much more than a tripod!

When I watched a part of the video, it was really hilarious how often the screen was filled with my hairy knuckles! :-)  Not long after that, however, there were fewer and fewer instances of such an eclipse...

The base progressed, and I got more used to dealing with the setup.

Since I work so rapidly, the early stages have lots of wet paint swirling around.  I am sure you have seen this shiny effect, even in the still photos of previous projects.  That is a fact of life that I may just have to deal with.

A similar thing would probably happen with the glazes, so I will have to be very careful which way I face the miniature in the lights

When the real vids are shot, it will be during the daytime, where the ambient light in the room will cut down on the harsh lighting effects.

There is certainly some film for the blooper reel!  There was one portion where I sneezed, and then another incident where I whacked the tripod with my knee.  Apparently the New Madrid fault became very active during the filming!

This is probably going to be a very unusual kickstarter, with all kinds of crazy stuff like this being documented along the way!  Hopefully it will make the eventual DVD's a little more meaningful for those who follow this blog. ;-)

If I get a chance, I will try to watch the rest of the tape tomorrow.  We all think that it is weird to see ourselves on TV, but seeing myself painting for the first time was a strange, nearly out of body experience!!  That is something I will probably never get used to!


  1. As some one who works in TV I can say: You will be shocked at how quickly you get used to a camera being around. Just remember it's a fine line between good commentary and turning into a scary Bob Ross clone ;)

    1. Aside from the hidden 'suggestions' and instructions so that I can take over the world, the commentary should be quite benign... ;-)
