
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

When you have some extra cave trolls...

OK, time for the promised Troll images!  They are not terribly fancy, but they were incredibly difficult to convert.  These were metal, of course, since this is January of 2005, long before the trolls became plastic.

Also, this was many years before I would even hear about razor saw, much less own one.  If I remember correctly, I had to gradually chip away at areas with giant metal files, and even a tin snips!  I had to green stuff a lot of the rough textures on the back of the hides.

Once all that was done, it was time to get them positioned on the diorama itself.  That was difficult as well.  I had done as much "dry fittig" as I could when I was converting them, but things always seem to be a bit off when you secure the piece to the larger construction.  It's hard to factor in the anchors and other items meant to secure these guys to the display board.  All it takes is a tiny fraction, and it gets magnified in a hurry.

So, a few views of the trolls helping the beasts of burden!

Tomorrow I will post the images of the orc archers, and then there will be a few more posts with the entire finished diorama!

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