
Friday, August 17, 2012

200K !!!! (You'll go blind if you keep doing that...)


Wow!  I just noticed that the blog has now exceeded 200,000 page views!  It seems like only yesterday it was at 100K.  Stop to blink for a second, and see what happens? ;-)

The blog only celebrated its 6th month anniversary less than 2 weeks ago.  My goodness.  Many thanks to anyone and everyone who has taken a part of their day and spent it browsing through this painting asylum!




Hopefully you will still be just as entertained six months from now!



  1. Yeah well, with paint jobs & conversions like yours, its kinda hard not to give them a look.


    1. Thanks! I never anticipated that it would give me a chance to show all those "how I made this" tidbits.

      It helps reinforce what I learn when trying out a new technique, since I am trying to describe it to you folks! :-)

  2. Gratz for the 200k :-)

    You have an amazing rate of output and your style is nearly exactly how i wish my minis to look like ^^

    Could you share your recipe for red? I've seen it on many of your minis and cant achieve an adequate version myself.
    (i use flat blood red, darken it with a mix of dark brown and a bit of black and use GW iyanden darksun yellow for highlights, that is overpaynted with blood red giving it a nice bright red)

    1. I think I started with scab red mixed with regal blue. Then back to scab red, beginning to introduce a bit of blood red.

      A tiny bit of blazing orange added to that, with vomit brown as the lightest color added. For the super highlights I put in some Vallejo pale flesh. I hope that helps! :-)
