
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Skirmishing Movement trays for skinks stage TWO

Following yesterday's "how to" post about skirmishing movement trays, I have the second stage.. the painting process!  This was the final result...


My first layers had a variety of darker colors.  I had a dark grayish blue, some green, and some dark brown.  I tried to make sure all the deepest crevices were covered, while also varying my colors.  I worked relatively  fast, so that I could do some wet into wet blending on the broken temple parts of the tray.


At this point, I put the skinks onto the tray to compare how light I needed to go to match their bases to the tray.  I experimented with some of the new GW dry paints, which I like to mix with regular paints to create a de-facto foundation paint.


Now it's time for final highlights, and for adding some plants and flock.  I used some of the same Aquarium plats as I had on previous units, and brought out a few kinds of flock and static grass.


Finally, I number all the of skinks, and their places in the tray.  I use the direction of the numbers to tell me how that particular skink should be facing so that it fits on the tray and looks good from a compositional point of view :-)


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