
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ghost Knight conversions... and magnets (some WIP images)

This squad was a nice opportunity to see just how versatile the new plastic Grey Knight terminators could be.  Form the preivous "regular" units I had assembled in the last few months, I knew right away that you could do a whole lot with these kits!

I had been experimenting with magnetizing all sorts of weapons, trying to make them as interchangeable as possible while staying within the contents of the 5 man box.

I had a lot of success in that endeavour, so it was time to move on to the next challenge, and that was the Ghost Knights.  These pictures show my attempt.  I used pro create on some cloaks, while using green stuff on others.  I did my usual sheet of green stuff/pro create spread onto a sheet of tin foil, positioning the cloak the way I wanted it.  Once that solidified, I used some green stuff (mixed with mostly the yelow part vs the blue hardener), and did the fur.  After the fur was set, I tore away the tin foil, leaving just the green stuff/pro create.

I then added the shields and ropes.  Additional bits like purtity seals and books were glued on after everything was set.



For those of you who may not have seen the original Ghost Knight that needed to be replicated, here he is:






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