
Monday, March 5, 2012

Images of my old Demonhunters Army: Gallery #1

My very first army back in the day was Demonhunters.  I started out with them in the fall of 2007, during 4th edition.  I am digging up the old photos of them, since I am creating a new version for the Friday 40k tournament at Adepticon this year.

I will have plenty of wip photos of the new stuff I am making for that army, so don't worry!

This was my Grand Master, possibly my favroite mini I ever did for the army.
Grand Master

The army was mostly about Inquisitors and Stormtroopers, so here is the Primary Inquisitor, Sebatian Toh (I have a short story with him that I will post later!).  The base was a Rackham mini, with all sorts of GW bits and such...

Inquisitor Lord

Some stormtroopers (lots more images coming of these):

I also made a ton of servitors, many of them from old plastic Blood Bowl minis:
Plasma servitor

This was the first of several Marneus Calgar conversions which I did.  All of them were pre Finecast, so lots of hacking away at solid metal!
First Marneus conversion 1

First Marneus conversion 2

And some Death Cult Assassins made from Privateer Press Warmachine minis;
Death Cult Assassin Three

Death Cult Assassin One

I filled out a lot of the units with Acolytes, Mystics and so on;

Mystic / Inquisitor



  1. Just phenomenal! The OSL, the crispness of the painting, the freehands and the conversions (in metal!) are just stunning. Thank you so much for sharing, its providing me with daily inspiration!

    1. Many Thanks! I'm glad that you enjoy all these little elements of the blog! It's very cool to be able to inspire anyone!!! :-)
