
Monday, February 6, 2012

Heavily converted Carnosaur (Adepticon Rogue Demon winner)

This was a very fun piece that I did a few years ago.  Someone donated a pair of old plastic dragon wings for the project, so I was off on my quest to make Loq-Qar the Terrible!

The wings were not very difficult to secure, but I did have to do a lot of sculpting around the joints to make it look cohesive and provide strength.  Liquid green stuff could have hastened the latter parts of  this process, however. 

Anyway, I was itching to do a reflected lava effect, so I went wild on this guy.  At that time I was creating a saurus "immune to psyche" spawn (the old book, obviously), and they were going to be the exact same color scheme as this.

Here are some pictures:





This shot gives the best view of the lighting...


The headdress took a lot more time to create than the wings.  I cut out some pieces of plasticard and added glyphs to it, as well as some saurus banner decorations.

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