
Saturday, August 4, 2018

Old Toothy

Here are some images of the completed Mierce Miniatures giant... something!  It is really huge, and it is a large chunk of resin at that. :-)  To give you a sense of scale, the base is a wooden plaque the size of a DVD.

You have seen him before in a previous post where I tested out that new masking film, so here's a link to that article:

By taking on some of the initial color work with the airbrush (mostly in the form of Stynlrez primers), I was able to create a solid Shaded Basecoat which I could enhance with glazes and further details.

This meant that I did not have to handle this very heavy figure quite as often, which means that the paint would not be touched.  Since the first several layers were also primer, it can withstand much more handling over time, now that it has been sealed and so on.

I am hoping at some point to be able to create tutorial videos on airbrushing, but that will require much additional equipment.  Also, overcoming the sounds of the spray booth, compressor and the airbrush means more challenges.  Oh, and how to talk while wearing a respirator :-)

If I can bring in those funds through the Patreon Page, that is the place where those tutorials will be shown.  Here is a link to what is already there: