
Friday, July 7, 2017

Reaping the Harvest

The Alastriel figure from Reaper Miniatures has been a favorite of mine for a while.  I have been able to paint it a number of different ways, and I still look forward to trying more!

I used a number of this figure to create the Painting Pyramid video for Object Source Lighting.  Here's a link to the preview:

I had a lot of fun using one of the left over figures to create a very different flavor, with this fall theme.  The broken column is part of a resin set from Secret Weapon Miniatures.

I made this base prior to the Green Stuff World leaf punches, so I used the Vallejo Mica Flakes to create the fallen leaf effect.  I really love the Mica flakes, but the contents have a tendency to dry out, no matter how tightly you secure the top.  The best option is to get a small jar, but you have to hope that one has not been on a shelf for too long!