
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Pitch perfect

We return to one of my favorite lines of Blood Bowl minis with the original Sukubus team.  While three wonderful new teams have been created since these ladies (Norse, Dark Elf, etc.),  these Demonettes still rule the pitch!

The sculpts have plenty of detail and dynamism in the poses, and each one is unique as well!  Better yet, nearly all of them are in just one piece, such as this figure.  I have no idea how that was possible, especially with the minimal amount of mould lines.

I hope you enjoy seeing these various teams come together, player by player.  The rest of the team can be found in the Sukubus Studios section of the blog, along with previews and reviews of their other races and teams.

Be sure to check out the Sukubus Studio webpage and on facebook to see their latest news, and what's being planned for the future.