
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Samurai Jack

The Honor of the Samurai return again with a Reaper BONES troll which has been converted for a Samurai Orc Blood Bowl team!

These are always fun conversions, sculpting the hair and his little diaper!  This team will have a slightly different color scheme than the old Hong Kong Phooey Orc team which I did years ago.

I stuck with a more standard set of colors for the troll itself.  However, I did try to mix in as many different subtle shades of purple, teal and even flesh tones.

Where possible, I put in some brighter yellows and light greens, since some of the armor plates of the actual Samurai style players will have that as an accent color.

He's just the first of an entire team coming in over the next few weeks, so stay tuned!

Orcs are my pin cushions

The Galadhrim archer figures had a more 'open' stance than most of the spear and swordsmen, so it presented an opportunity to have more fun with the leafy armor design.

While a lot of greenish hues would be needed on the golds, I did want to reflect some of the reds and oranges as well.

The open cloaks meant that I could show enough of that orange color to justify such reflections.

As I say over and over again, it is the reflections and reflected light that are essential to have NMM look the least bit realistic.

The sculpting and casting of the Lord of the Rings figures was not always the greatest, particularly in the early days.  Nevertheless, it was still very enjoyable to paint up the whole army, and get to use it many times!