
Thursday, February 11, 2016

And so it begins!

The day has arrived!!  The Shattered Earth campaign from Massive Awesome has begun!

Here's a link:

I enjoyed painting these Coyote Warrior figures.  They had a ton of sharp, crisp detail, which made them very easy to work with.

There are options for the heads, which can completely change the character of a figure.  A nice option to have!

These are also true scale, so no giant hands or oversize swords.  All in all, a very realistic look.

A number of other very nice figures are available through the kickstarter, which I am looking forward to!

As you can see, once they are in terrain, they look like they belong right there in the image.  I would like to try these guys in some desert camo as well.

As a size reference, these figures are on 25mm round bases.

I did a number of posts on the individual figures, which I will link during the campaign:

As Twilight falls

I have not gotten many opportunities to paint Kingdom Death figures thus far.  In fact, this Twilight Knight is only my second.

You can see I had a bit of fun with the cloak design.  I was looking through some Celtic knotwork design textbooks, and I ended up doing a kitbash between that and a touch of Gallifryan. :-)

The views from above to show the scenic base.

The skin tones on the face were quite important, as that was the only area where I could show skin, hair, etc.  Getting the grayish tones was very interesting, with a slightly different approach.  There was a lot of "underlayment" of greens, which were then covered over with translucent layers of pinks.

Normally I go back over that with a flesh color tinted with a green wash, but I wanted to reflect a bit of the purplish pinks that were on the cloak, the monster head, and so on.