
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

One Hot Bombshell!

Another Bombshell Babe for you today!  This is Delzira, Demon Princess.

As soon as I saw the figure, I just had to put that on one of my lava bases!  Yes, I could not resist. :-)

The pose itself was also just right, as the arms were extended, and the metal staff would reflect colors nicely.

I have been getting a lot of questions and queries about how I have been doing OSL, snow bases, lava and such, so I will be including a few links to samples of my painting videos, which you can get directly from me or from Kings Hobbies and Games (on a USB drive).

Here's a sample of the Object Source lighting video!

And a link to KH &B:

She's also here:

Out in the Cold

This set of group shots shows the ten Red Box Games on the terrain pieces that have been a lot of fun!

These particular figures had a lot of dynamic poses, including the archers.

The standing stone is very fun!

This is the first chance that I've had to see 'normal' sized human figs on them.

Quite the crowd!!

The view from above...

This is OUR rock!

Fun times in the forest!

Let's play king of the hill!